Publishing Ethics

The Pressburg Economic Review closely monitors the compliance of the publishing process with the highest academic standards. We follow the Committee on Publishing Ethics (COPE) recommendations and the excellence of internationally recognized leading academic publishers.

The provisions on the ethical principles of the Pressburg Economic Review are as follows:

  • The Editorial Board is in charge of maintaining a balance between the academic research quality and freedom of speech;
  • Acceptance or rejection of a manuscript for publishing is solely based on the research’s significance, originality and clarity, and relevance of the study to the scope of the Pressburg Economic Review;
  • The research superiority of the submitted works is always before the commercial interests of the Pressburg Economic Review editorial team;
  • Authors of previously published articles have the right to request clarification or corrections of their articles at any time, accompanied by an explanatory note;
  • The Editorial Board firmly adheres to the principles of editorial independence. It indicates that all decisions of the Editorial Board are purely based on the quality of the submitted articles and are not influenced by any other factors;
  • The chief editor is in charge of organizing the publication process, from the preliminary manuscript review through the final decision on the manuscripts. The final decision is based on the relevance of the submitted article to the readers, its contribution to the current literature on the subject, and the reliability of the scientific results. The chief editor follows the Editorial Board‘s recommendations for the publication process, including the prohibition of plagiarism, copyright infringement and defamation, and the applied ethics and human rights principles;
  • The Editorial Board is responsible for providing guidelines to authors that clearly indicate what is expected of authors and what the Pressburg Economic Review will do if suspected plagiarism or data falsification is detected;
  • The Editorial Board is in charge of reviewing and assessing how well the papers fit within the scope of the Pressburg Economic Review. An appropriate explanation must accompany every decision;
  • The editorial board of the Pressburg Economic Review is responsible for explaining the process of double-blind peer review to the authors and reviewers;
  • The Editorial Board is in charge of reviewing the academic publication rules and procedures of the double-blind review of the Pressburg Economic Review journal on a yearly basis. Further changes may be introduced in line with changes in the world academic publication procedure and COPE regulations;
  • If plagiarism is discovered, the editorial board will notify the author and suggest to correct the article and re-submit it to the journal;
  • If an allegation of plagiarism or other misconduct is received externally, the Editorial Board will request evidence and undertake an investigation by the Board. If the Editorial Board finds evidence of plagiarism, the relevant information will be published on the Pressburg Economic Review website, and the relevant article will be removed from the online issue;
  • The Editorial Board has a responsibility to notify international databases and catalogs about plagiarism incidents and removing the corresponding papers from online versions;
  • If a conflict of interest arises, the Editorial Board will address it according to the COPE regulations.